Made To Create

Creating Chemistry with Colleen Kelley

April 01, 2023 Jen Vermillion Season 3 Episode 10

What on earth could chemistry, music and comic books have in common? Quite a bit as it turns out!

In this episode I chat with Dr. Colleen Kelley, Founder of Kids Chemical Solutions. Colleen found herself captivated by the question, “Why do my students think chemistry is SO hard?” After a great deal of research, Colleen decided to do something to make the subject of chemistry accessible and fun for even the youngest learners through her comic book series called The M.C. Detective Agency: Chemical Solutions Required.

Colleen shares all about her process for developing these books - from how she came up with the characters and plot lines and even shares a bit about the magic of chemistry in our every day lives. 

Visit Colleen's website

Order Colleen's book series